Friday, August 24, 2012

Maps and Landforms

We've been studying all week!  We've learned about types of landforms found on maps, continents, oceans and important land and water features in the United States.

Fun projects like our flipbooks help us study!

We practiced placing the continents and oceans on the map.

                      Using dry erase markers on laminated maps was also fun!

                                  The Mississippi River forms the shape of MIMAL!
                   He is a chef who has a chubby tummy and wears boots.
             MIMAL always faces east.  Ask you child what MIMAL stands for.

I'm the Greatest! 

This week we played a math game to practice place value and compare large numbers.  The kids rolled a die with their partner, and placed the number in one of nine places.  They did this until all nine places were filled being careful not to let their partner see their number. Finally, they compared their numbers, and the one with the largest number yelled, "I'm the Greatest!"

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Back to School!

     Well, we have completed our first two days of school! Our first day was spent getting to know each other. We played "Find a Classmate" and "The Name Game". We also spent the day organizing our binder and folders, and going over the class routines. After lunch, we toured the school and listened to presentations from each of the specialist teachers. They discussed school rules for the library, hallway, playground, cafeteria, bus, and bathroom. 
    On Friday, we had another activity to help us get acquainted. The students sat in small groups and answered discussion questions about themselves. I loved hearing them get to know each other.
    We plan to work together as a "family" this year. We will be a caring classroom that works as a team to help and encourage each other.   : )

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my new blog! I am just learning, and hope to display some of the fun activities we will be doing this year. I am excited to start the new school year. The classroom is almost ready, and I hope to see you all soon at the Ice Cream Social/ Meet the Teacher Night @6:00 on Aug. 14.