Saturday, October 27, 2012

Missouri Heritage Days

     On Wednesday, Oct. 24, we took a trip to Babler State Park for Missouri Heritage Days. This event is hosted by the Rockwood School District, and they invited us again this year!  It is an expensive field trip, and our PTO helps us to go each year by funding half of the cost.  Many thanks to Rockwood and our great Long School PTO.  We had so much fun learning about our Missouri Heritage!

                       No need to spend a lot of money for toys!

                                                                   (click on photos to enlarge)
                                                               Who is the strongest at Tug of War?

                                                               Making "Buzz Saws" with buttons and string

                                                              I just can't catch that bean bag with this thing!

                                     Playing Graces                                           (Grace is playing Graces : )

                                                               Don't get that quilting hoop in the trees!

                                    The Mountain Man taught us about Lewis and Clark and the tools they used.

                                                        We listened to pioneer music and built a log cabin!

                                                Sacajawea told us about her adventures with Lewis and Clark!

What did we do on our half day?

     We spent our half day with our first grade buddies in Ms.Burns' class. We had so much fun working together making thank-you cards and bookmarks for our veterans.  We also took a nature walk in Crestwood Park. 

                                                 (click on photos to enlarge)

What time is it?

 Telling time is pretty easy, but figuring out how much time has elapsed takes practice!  (click on photo to enlarge)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lots of Science!

Finishing our Biome Quilt

After researching the world's biomes and creating our quilt pieces, we put them together to make our finished biome quilt!  Mrs. Groh shared this great idea with me several years ago, when she was my student teacher.  Thank you Mrs. Groh for such a fun project!
(click on photos to enlarge)


Food Chains!

Our fourth grade team inherited this fun ecosystem puzzle from Mrs. Barber!  After putting it together, we found and recorded five living and non-leaving parts of the ecosystem, and a food chain.

This fun BrainPop game about food chains is on the Moodle!

Energy Pyramids!

After studying food chains, we made a model of how much energy is transferred to the top by making energy pyramids.