Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lindbergh Connections

Lindbergh Connections  

We were so lucky to have the high school history students come and teach us a few things.  

                  We heard stories about the Louisiana Purchase.

.                                                        (Click on photos to enlarge)

We panned for gold during the California Gold Rush!

We learned how to survive on the Oregon Trail!

We also peeked into Lewis and Clark's artifact trunk!

Thank you LHS for making learning fun!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Circuit Boards

Fun Making Circuit Boards!

We had a lot of fun making states and capitals circuit board games! We connected the states to their capitals with aluminum foil. Then, we tested our boards using a circuit connected to a light bulb. If we matched the state with the correct capital, the light bulb lit up!

(Click on photos to enlarge)



Making Circuits

We created simple closed circuits, series and parallel circuits in science.

Geometry Fun

Geometry Pretzel Project

Don't eat all the pretzels! Save some for the lines, angles, and polygons you are making!

(click on photos to enlarge)