Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween Party!

Abilities Awareness Day

At Abilities Awareness Day we learned about Downs Syndrome, Autism, Deafness, and living with a prosthetic limb.

Science at Gempp Park

Making Food Webs

Is that a frog on a log?

Is that tortilla chip a non-living part of the pond ecosystem?

Hmmm....A possible habitat for an animal.

Was that a hawk's nest or a squirrel's nest?

A raccoon has been here!

A frog!

Matt found some lichen!

I bet all the kids studied these! 


Some wild animals roaming around the park!!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fun with Math

Auggie is having so much fun practicing his 12's!
Practicing the multiples.
Working on ALEKS
Good old fashion flash cards.
Using base ten blocks to model regrouping.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Missouri Heritage Day

A Blacksmith


Pioneer Store

Washing clothes

Pioneer music and square dancing.

Pioneer Toys

A French fur trader

Building a cabin