Saturday, October 12, 2013

Abilities Awareness Day

Abilities Awareness Day was Friday. We listened to three speakers talk to us about the challenges many people face everyday. The day helped us become aware of the abilities we all have..

Michael Nester and his mom came to tell us about Down Syndrome. Michael went to Long and was in Mrs. Garrison's 4th grade class many years ago!  He is now a college student at UMSL

We learned what it is like for classmates with autism and how communication can be a challenge.  Some of us tried to ask for a glass of water, but were not allowed to say certain words.

We met an amazing girl who was born without one of her arms. She showed us her artificial arm she used as a baby and other types of prosthetic devices.
                     Buttoning her coat use to be a challenge, but is easy now.
                                         We tried to tie our shoes with one hand. 
                             She also showed us how she puts her hair in a pony tail.

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